Dear friends,
First of all you are most welcome in the web premises of KCSK.
All of you know very well that our real president Dr. Kalam has said about the development of India,
that "India never can be developed without the development of Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttarpradesh and such others province,
especialy for rural and urban both.
Honarable Human Resource Development Minister of India also told about that,
India never can be developed without the help of Non-Government organisation. At the present time,
not a single organisation is working fully on the development of rural areas. Having to seeing the age,
the RGVT had taken a oath to work in several sectors that is better to the upliftment of entire people.
Kalam Computer Saksharta Kendra is the result of oath of the organisation. Although KCSK is one of the
project of RGVT.
KCSK oath is that to open our branches in every Panchayat and revolute the students and the people
about the information technology and others awareness. By the prosses of camping in every panchayat it will be
flowup that what is the efficiency of computer Eduation or information technology.
In this way the providing system of centre authorisation is very easy. It is based on low cost and no
cost system. Let, no any botheration of target of students, no any renewal fees, has been taken by
the authorised person.